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Elgin Fringe Festival is best known for its performance art. Dance, theater, comedy, music, and undefined art forms delight audiences in intimate settings across downtown Elgin. Fringe celebrates bold artistic experimentation, showcasing artists' work across a spectrum of forms and genres. The festival is uncurated, with artists selected via lottery. Applications are open February 1 - March 1.

Plan to join us for Elgin Fringe, Sep. 19-28, 2025!
Visual Art opens Sep 5!


Should I Apply for Elgin Fringe? 

Do you have something to share? Is your work adaptable? Do you like supporting other artists? Are you good at self-promotion? Or do you want to learn about any of the above? If YES–You should apply to fringe! If NO–Fringe might not be your cup of tea.



How Do I Apply for Elgin Fringe?

Our applications for this year's festival are accepted from February 1st to March 1st. No late submissions will be accepted. There is no application fee. Selected and wait-listed artists will be announced within 90 days of the close of the application. Artists are selected via lotteries based on the artist's location and representation. All artists not selected via lottery are automatically placed on a waitlist.​


You will provide on the application your contact info, a short description of the work (can be a working description), the estimated length of the show, and the number of performances requested (1-3). All communications will be sent to one representative from each group. That person’s name must be listed as the Primary Contact in your application. If you have trouble submitting your application, please contact EFF Artistic Director Nick Mataragas.



How are Artists Selected? 

Artists will be chosen via a lottery system at a special event in April. Notifications of acceptance and waitlist status will be sent within a few weeks after the lottery event. The lottery categories are as follows:

Equity Seeking Artists: Performances with artists who self-identify as Underrepresented. This can include but is not limited to those that are BIPOC and members of the LGBTQ community. The festival is always open to questions and concerns on who qualifies as underrepresented. Equity-seeking artists not drawn via lottery in this category are automatically placed in the Local or Touring lottery pools, giving them two chances to be selected.


Local Artists: Artists residing within 50 miles of Side Street Studio Arts (15 Ziegler Ct., Elgin, IL 60120).

Touring Artists/Out of Area: Artists residing outside the 50-mile radius.



What Happens if I am Not Selected? 

Have no fear! All artists not selected by the lottery will automatically be put on the waitlist in their respective categories. Wait-listed artists will be contacted within 90 days of the close of the application. 



What Costs are Involved? 

Production fees are required upon acceptance to the festival. Artists will be invoiced for production fees. All production fees must be paid via Venmo, Zelle, check, or credit card (credit card includes fees). No in-person payments will be accepted. First-time fringe festival producers may apply for production fee support. Indicate this in your application, and the festival will contact you if selected.


  • Full Length Show Production Fee:  $80 per performance (up to 3 performances).

  • Short Show Production Fee: $125 for 3 performances.


Do I Get Paid to Perform? 

100% of ticket sales for performances go to the artist (after an 8.5% Kane County Sales Tax and a 3.5% credit card fee, if applicable). A $4 Festival Entry Button (one-time purchase) is required for audience members to purchase tickets. Tickets are sold at Fringe Central/Side Street Studio Arts, not at individual venues. Please include this information in all promotional materials.



How Long are Performances? 

Artists will select either a Full-Length Show or a Short Show. The length of the show does not affect lottery status.​​



    • Duration: 30–60 minutes 

    • Performance Options: 1, 2, or 3 performances.

    • Production Fee: $80 per performance (up to 3 performances).

    • Set-up & Strike Times: 10 minutes before and after the performance.

    • Storage: NO STORAGE for sets or props is available onsite.


    • Duration: 15–20 minutes

    • Performances: 3 performances are required. 

    • Grouping: Short shows are grouped with 1–2 other performances in a 60-minute block (showcase). Groupings are determined by Elgin Fringe Festival. 

    • Production Fee: $125 for 3 performances.

    • Set-up & Strike Time: 10 minutes before and after your group’s 60 minute block (not for each individual show). All groups in a block will load in and out together. Props and set-up must be minimal for short shows. 

    • Storage: NO STORAGE for sets or props is available onsite.​



Who Schedules Performances? 

All performance dates, times, and locations are scheduled and confirmed by the Elgin Fringe Staff about two months prior to the festival. Performing artists are able to select one, two, three, or four performances, but do not determine venue, or performance dates and times. 




Festival Artistic Director Nick Mataragas met with 2024 Elgin Fringe Artists to walk through the Press Materials Form and discuss best practices for marketing performances.





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The Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals


World Fringe:
Global Association of Fringe Festivals

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The United States Association of Fringe Festivals


15 Ziegler Ct, Elgin, IL 60120

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